Wednesday, August 4, 2010


This was meant to be a funny post, written by a sleepy funny guy, for the funny to read and be fucking merry. Then I thought, heck, it can't be a funny post since I'm not a funny guy (Sarcasm is excluded from this context) and fuck it, there is no humour in this world. Best part is? That's funny.

This post is in fact, depressingly monotonous, written by an anti-social with a deep rooted and biased annoyance towards most of what he sees in which he finds no basis for. In short, this is a post about self-murder. By an asshole.

People constantly pester me with all those terms you know. 'Life is too short', 'You only live once' etc etc when fuck they don't even fucken know what it truly means. Life is too short? Strip naked and start molesting people walking down the street. You only live once? Then make the best of it and stop whining.

I admit, I'm all ears when you have a problem and you start to bitch about life, I might not give some good advice but fuck, at least I'm listening. What pisses me off is not when you repeatedly come by and say the same damn things, what gets to me is that you ain't doing jackshit to try and improve said problem. It says a lot about who you are and fuck, it makes you boring.

Yeah you have problems. Step into my shoes and see how it feels.

The world is fucked up and everyone is going with the flow. To me, if I want somebody's help, I go to the person and ask personally. Nowadays, people give half assed requests on the phone and expect me to help. Fuck that. You wanna go emo and shit? Thank the heavens for that. Gives e one less reason to say sorry.

I'm an anti-social. Accept the damn fact already. None of your 'Please, for me?' shit is gonna help in pulling me out of this hole. I choose to be here. Voluntarily. Being with you people is extremely tiring and that's not the worst thing. To think that I have to stoop down to your level and fake all the things that I do. Thats bull. If you can't accept it then say it. Most of you keep on faking that shit thinking that hey, maybe one day he'll change. To hell with that, it makes you a worse human being than you already are. Say it out loud, scream it for all I care, at least then I'll have a reason to respect you.

I always give chances to people because yes, as much as I know that nobody ever fucking changes, there might be a chance that they'd realise what a faggot they've been. But it's funnny though how when I decide to cut all bonds and pretend that you don't exist, you come crying back. Yeah. Laugh. That some funny shit right there.


Anila P. said...

Silly monkey, you've gone AWOL after exams. *pokes*

Zufar Ismail Zeid said...

I'm highly sought after, like duh. Haha. You want me? Come and get me. Somehow that sounds very wrong in various circumstances....

diemarysues said...

Of course it sounds wrong. Tell me one conversation we've had that's not had innuendo (whether intentional or not). It's hilarious.

Zufar Ismail Zeid said...

... You changing profiles is lyke so totally hot I'm lyke getting all moist.

That scarred me for life.

diemarysues said...

Now, see, that wasn't innuendo, that was painful.

Really. Painful.

Zufar Ismail Zeid said...

Sigh.... I'm really that good huh... Where is the challenge? WHERE?!

diemarysues said...

Hon, don't flatter yourself, really.

And I don't know where the challenge is, go find it yourself.