Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This is interesting.

Very interesting indeed. If I am right, and not delusional, for example, I have given myself the privilege of concluding this:

My blog is fucking awesome.

Why? I shall explain this by first, showing you people, a picture.

I'm not even fucking kidding you, click on the fucken picture.
For one thing, yes, I am doing this to glorify myself and my undoubtedly awesome self. Another thing is.


Holy shit, my left side of the brain just fucking imploded and is being replaced by a fucking black hole. Holy fuck. How is that even possible? How, I say?

Well, yes, to a certain extent, world, you have made me a very happy bunny person. Coupled with Pharmacology, I have, until a few minutes ago, the confidence that the world is in fact, an extremely cruel place and we all have nothing to live for. Except for Pharmacologist. And Physiologist. And Sasha Grey. Mmmm... Sasha Grey...

Of course, I am totally aware of the fact that I have stumbled across a few possible explanations in which this spike in traffic could be logically explained. There might be a sad soul who might've posted my blog's link with the promise of bestiality porn for example.

I mean from the traffic feed, apparently people stumble across my blog through these keywords.

1. Caritas Romana
2. Sunset Depression; I never realised that shit actually meant something.
3. My blog's name.
4. Classic curses; which actually makes sense.
5. Some misspelled variations of number 1.
6. Disadvantages that could happen to caritas; which has succeeded in scaring me.
7. Da bog ti kuca bila na cnn; which most probably mean the most awesome blog ever!!11
8. Funny Armenian curses.

I dunno, but somewhere along the line, my totally cool and awesome broadsword wielding Armenian self must've materialised, said a couple of jokes out loud in public, did a witty dance and disappeared.

Yeah, totes.
But really, one of the links showing a source of traffic came from and Indonesian NSFW site which for some reason flatters me. People are opting this shit instead of porn. Here commoners, take upon thyself these golden words of gratitude and keep it close to thine hearts, may ye be blessed by it.

All in all, pornsite or not, sincere or not, I fucken thank thee, world. Haha! Fuck yeah mafucker!!!

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