Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Love Me Some Lovegood.

The one question that I constantly ask myself when I watch the Harry Potter series is this:

Why in the unholy nopefuck hadn't anybody incinerated whoever the fuck was making Luna Lovegood's life hell?

I'm befuddled by this. For an institution that upholds moral fibre and virtue and all that jazz, why the fuck didn't anybody do anything about it?

Given; I did not read the last two books.

I had this startling realisation that actresses are not... Well, for a lack of a better term; hot. I mean, yeah, Emma Watson/Stone is beautiful and everything but the attraction factor is not exactly because of that, is it?

We fall in love with them because they project what we want to see. They make our favourite fictional characters tangible; give them a face so that we don't have to rack our minds on how they'd look. If the face that they give is satisfactory and right up our alley, then they become this object of fascination. There's so and so acting as so and so, my God isn't she perfect. That kind of shit.

It's a totally different thing when commenting on an actor's/actress's ability to act. If he/she is awesome at it, you'd actually get mixed reviews; some would comment on their greatness in one film while another would prefer the other.

What the fuck am I even talking about?


I somewhat enjoy Paediatrics these past few days. The kids are always afraid and by the grace of the mighty beard, they get downright terrorised in my presence. I don't even fucking have to do anything. I just sit by the side of their bed, act as if I wasn't paying attention and then right when they keep their gaze fixed, I turn my head slowly and a bit rigidly and then I carve the creepiest fucking dastardly paedophile/executioner smile and stare right back into their teary eyes.

Then I repeat this again and again until I could see that they cannot handle it any more; I get up from my seat and walk towards them a tad bit fast while still keeping the smile on and watch as the terror consume them.

I should try holding a needle next time.

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