Saturday, November 23, 2013


Look behind you and see the landscape formed by your life. All you see is a barren land, marred by disappointments and failures but here, take these, they are the eyes of a passing stranger, look again. Doesn't that forest just amaze you? The lush greenery, the birds, the endless possibilities; that is the desert that you perceive.

Look forward and gaze into your future. I know you're afraid, I know you see naught but darkness and misery and death - but not yours, no, you're going to live through hell - and I know all you want to do is close your eyes. Put your body into stasis and sleep forever. I gave you the eyes of a stranger, now have his heart. Feel the rush, the gallop, the drumroll and just inquire: Why is he not afraid? Why is he running towards the abyss, why doesn't he cower in the corner like you do.

He has your body, that's it. He will never be afraid again.

Now look around you and - no, don't tell me for I can see - focus on that loneliness and isolation. Nobody wants you, everybody hates you, you're always wrong, you're so stupid, give up, give up, just give up. Allow me to unlock your mind - only temporary, however - and now you can finally understand what it feels like to be envied. Out of the seven billion people out there, how could you have possibly imagined that not one of them might love you for who you are.

Now, forgive me but I must relieve you of the fantastic gifts that I granted simply because they were not mine to give away in the first place. Let's keep that a secret, shall we? Remember though, you have seen the light at the end of the tunnel, you have weapons now to arm yourself. All you need to do is move.

You don't even have to sprint, heck, you don't even need to go straight. Anywhere you go, everybody will be there by your side. Even if you fall, they will still hold your hand.

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