Sunday, June 8, 2014


So; craziest fucking dream in awhile.

I was hanging out with my groupmates (I think my brain took them to be the closest things I have as friends) and we were just sitting around doing nothing in my house. There was a low droning sound, like chanting, and I was getting fucking annoyed with it. I told the others and they all agreed that it wasn't me hallucinating as always and we started to look for the source.

After awhile, I was drawn to this... cupboard under the stairs of my apartment and thinking nothing about it, I opened it. Well, fuck me in the face with a cactus because a fucking corpse was lying in there and it was turning into some sort of zombie-pontianak hybrid, probably sponsored by Toyota.

Thing is, I am and always have been a fucking coward when it came to the supernatural. Ghosts and the like, it's probably one of the disadvantages to being Asian. So when that corpse (It was a woman) thing started to chant shit, I should have jumped out the nearest window.

But I didn't. I frowned instead. The kind of frown you see people put on when they're disappointed in their kids or when your friend should have gone to the market but came home with McDonald's etc. I frowned, looked around and called everybody over.

"Look guys, how many times do I have to tell you? When you have a fresh one, you have to fucking process them thoroughly. God damn it, this is what happens when you don't," I said. And they stood there, looking bashful, the apology transmitted through body language instead of words. The chanting became louder and my frowned deepened. "Well, let's get to work, then."

That was exactly what we did. We hauled the body out and began to, I shit you not, chopping off the fucking fingers and toes. That was the process, as if the whole world knew that if you didn't do it, you're gonna get a banshee-pontianak-langsiaq or whatever you prefer to call it.

I saw it so clearly. The toes, especially. She had beautiful toes.

There was something else here but I forgot. It had something to do with a girl who was waiting for me to finish 'processing' the body so that we can go out to do whatever the fuck should be done. The sad thing was that my brain didn't even think that she was an important figure, just a very very minor character that wasn't worth being given a face and personality. Damn. That's kind of depressing.


Unidentified said...

You know what this means right? You might have a slight toe fetish going on here.

Zufar Ismail Zeid said...