Thursday, October 15, 2009


'Why is your blog dead?'

It's not. I'm just in Egypt.

Seriously, I run out of things to do here. I was sincerely hoping that the sky would be awesome here but the street lights and the dust just clouds up the fucking sky. So I guess getting star shots here is like trying to wank to 2 girls and 1 cup. So I look for things around the house to bring out the artistic side of me and the closest that I got to that was in the morning looking at the water heater's plug frying the extension wire. Wait, I think that was the fear of being electrocuted. So yeah, photography is out.

I try to write and it keeps on getting jammed, it's like the words all try to bust out at once and it gets stuck in my mind, like fucken sewer material clogging up the drains... I go online and I get bored in 2 seconds.

The books that I got from M'sia is lying in a pile in my bag. With all the fucken things going on I can't read in fucking peace. Gonna try the roof later, let's see where that gets me.

On the other hand, a few guys discussing truffles at 2 in the morning is as funny as it can get. The mushrooms I mean. Christ, who eats those fucken things...

Oh and please, fucking give me ideas for photography or writing, I'm dying here.


Anila P. said...

Well, you can always try writing about guys talking about truffles XD Or write a story with a bunch of people stuck on an island, getting murdered. Worked for me. XD

Farha Ghouse said...

You can do it with a photo blog. Takpun take a photo of something important to you and write something about it.

Usually when I'm running out of good ideas to write, I'll take some photos and write something yang I can relate to it.


Zufar Ismail Zeid said...

I hate reality, that shit doesn't work for me...