Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Be Nice.

Someone told me back then that I should have a day where I should be nice. In her own words:

Just take a day off from all the moody shit, all the morbidity, all the ZOMG WTF you're so fucking stupid moments you know? A day where you're nice, well, to a certain extent, I mean, can't expect to still be all Confucius when some fucker steals your food.

I gotta admit, it sounds fucking stupid, so, in an attempt to prove her wrong (Note: This should be read with an image of a Persona gripping a flag with retro stripes in the background and uplifting music as the theme song), I tried it.

I lasted 3 hours.

Shit was hard you know, one; when you put me in an environment filled with douchebags and morons who don't know half of what they're saying, I'm bound to be an anti-douchebag to counter their douchebaggery with some douchebaggery of my own. Two; the universe hates me. Three; I like being morbid and moody.

So I went to her, defeated and whimpering (Note: Picture a wounded Lion *cough* with a wound on a leg, limping in a blazing desert with some sad instrumental playing. *Cough* LION.) and I expected this array of insults to be thrown with the viciousness of a uh... something that thorws thing in a fast manner. Actually, I was hoping she'd do it so that I can give the 'Nobody-can-be-nice-nowadays-and-you-proved-it' argument. But she didn't. She just laughed and ordered some fucken coffee for us. Which sucked. Big time.

Obviously I asked why, in a very dramatic manner at that (Fucken Indians ey?). Again, in her own words:

Fuck man, you were nice, for three hours. And I don't really trust you but whatever. Point is, for three hours, you made some pretty fucking fortunate people feel good about themselves. After this, while they have the happy feeling in em, they're gonna go make some other fucker feel good. And the cycle goes on and on. And you know what's the best thing? For three hours, you could be responsible for failed suicide attempts, you could have saved a relationship from crashing, you could have prevented a mass murder due to stress and shit. And knowing how you are, you couldn't care about all those things so think bout this. If you succeeded, you could've saved a hot chic from killing herself. And you can manipulate people easier if you're nice too. Three hours la wey. The shit you can do.

I didn't buy any of it though, no matter how awesome it sounded. Yet, even I know that deep down, I'd be happy that some fucker (preferably real smoking hot) didnt commit suicide, or some fuckers (preferably ugly as shit) decide that they're gonna have babies together and that some mental fuck (Preferably ugly as shit) didn't go berserk and kill a fuckload (preferably real hot office girls in skimpy outfits) of people. It made me feel good that I could have done some shit that matters by not even lifting a finger but by just saying some nice bullshit.

Then this thought came to me that I should do it here. Which was then canceled out by the fact that there are no hot chics here, no one to manipulate, literally, in the easiest way, there is no one here that's worth being nice too. Fuck, why should I? I enjoy telling people how they're too fucking materialistic or how they're living in a fucking dream world. I love busting people's bubbles, it's satisfying, and so god damn enjoyable. So fuck being nice. Fuck all the shit I could do with it. Fuck the manipulation. I'm might not be happy all the fucking time but at least I can shoot down some fuckers while I'm at it. The world is too full of fucked up stereotypes and if I can reduce that number by not being nice, ah well, that's just delightful innit?


diemarysues said...

I'm not worth being nice to? *sniffle*

Zufar Ismail Zeid said...

Well, uh... I think I did put a complaints box somewhere... *Looks around lazily*