Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You Think You're the Only One Who Have Rights?

Dedicated to all SMOKERS:
A fully burnt cigarette ash said:
Today its me, because of u,
Tomorrow its u, because of me...

So, as I waited for daylight to emerge - Time to sleep, in other words - my eyes were forced to feast upon said words a distant acquaintance posted as his Facebook status. For some reason this irked the fuck out of me, possibly because said person was - Or maybe is - a smoker, and possibly because there's so many of that shit circulating round the internet nowadays. It gets old, and old is annoying.

What gets to me is that you people are constantly going on and fucking on about how being amongst smokers annoys you et cetera when none of you even have the goddamn balls / lady balls to go ahead and tell it to us face to face. In a public place for example, all you do is look at us in scorn as if we are the very scum of the multiverse itself. Never have you openly approached us and told us about your views and most of the time, you in your perfect little world think that we won't give a fuck anyway. Of course, here I am referring to the general populace, as I always do.

So here's my view on the whole fuckupperry. Most of you non-smokers have a somewhat twisted view in which you see yourself perched upon a high-up balcony and the rest of us i.e. smokers are ants with our feet firmly planted on the ground. In short, you believe that you're a higher race.

See, you have quite a few things right, I have to admit. The ultimate truth is indisputable after all. We have a short lifespan, yes. We have a tendency to make you hate us due to the fumes et cetera, hmmm, yes. That's as far as I can go, really. What you got wrong, ultimately, is that we're scum, and that we contribute to the degenerating morales of the youths today. I don't really get that, to be honest, cause using that logic, then I can safely say that people who wear say, sandals rather than shoes are in fact, evil masterminds.

Let's take a few scenarios. In a public place for example. Need I say any more? It's a public place. Public. Meaning for the use of all. If I, a smoker, were to indulge in my hobby, there isn't any rules that I'm breaching. The fact that you yourself are condemning me, is wrong on your behalf. It's a public place, I can do whatever the fuck I want as long as it doesn't go against the flow of society. Like, say, raping a prepubescent teen in broad daylight.

Then there's the whole restaurant dilemma. I wonder why is it that people actually get pissed off and bitch about the fact that smokers are disrupting their meal and precious bonding time when they're sitting in the fucking smoker's section. But of course, they're always right because they had no choice; the restaurant was fully booked, and it was the only seat they could get. Of course. If you actually used your fucken brain and eyes to observe, most of us actually exit the shop and smoke somewhere else. Most of us aren't that fucking thoughtless, and the rest, you just need to ask. But you're too great for that. Of course.

Personally as a smoker, I don't smoke right smack in the middle of a fucking crowd of people. I isolate myself out of where people breathe and what not. If I see a child, I walk away from him/her and you know what I honestly think? It doesn't fucking do shit. Why? Look around you. I'm a smoker, yes. Blame me, sure. But look at everyone else, drivers, litterers, corporate bosses in their glass offices, all that. If you were to say that we smokers are the main reason that you get sick, that you get frustrated and what not, then I can safely say fuck you. What about the fumes from vehicles and the pollution from your own home appliances? That hole in the ozone layer, exclusively from smokers? Wonderful, I should probably apologise to Motherfucking Nature the next time I meet her.

What I think? Just another reason for you to go ahead and take the golden free for all ticket to bash some fuck. To justify your greatness. To usher yourself in the spotlight and rightly say that you're better. To say 'Look everyone, I'm a way better human being than this bugger with his ciggie over here'. That's all there is to it. Self satisfaction. Nothing more, nothing less. Look, guy, if it comes to blaming, I can hold you responsible for half of the shit the world is suffering from. I honestly can, but what the fuck does it do?

Some of you go around saying that you want to help us. Well fuck, I never realised I needed helping. I must be that disconnected from meself to not have realised that. It's like I'm smoking because I have to, or else I'll be skinned alive by the cigarette companies. What fucking logic is that? I smoke because I want to, not because I'm forced to, it's because I like it. And probably addiction, but you know, minor stuff. You can actually help, come to think of it. By not fucking annoying me.

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