1. The one i asked you before: If you had to pick between saving your family or saving the entire human race, which would you pick?
Family. I can't change my mind on that. I know for a fact that it is an act of extreme selfishness but I think it's safe to say that I don't really give a fuck. My family will be angry at me, I will be pissed off at myself but the truth remains that nothing, nothing in this world comes before family.
2. You're on death row, you're scheduled to be executed tomorrow. What's your last meal?
Putting aside the fact that I probably will not have any appetite... I'm not sure really. I don't have a favourite meal, I'm not a picky eater either. Something simple, probably. My mom's cooking, yeah that'd be nice.
3. If you could live in any city in the world for the rest of your life, no financial worries, no visa problems, where would it be?
Shit man, all these question could've been answered so awesomely by other people. If I'm not so damned anchored to home...
Penang would be the first. Brugge, Istanbul, Nice and Florence come really fucking close behind. By close I mean by less than an inch, probably.
The deciding factor is always food and tranquillity, I think. Somewhere quiet, where the general public is pleasant and knows how to mind their business. A place where your actions won't be frowned upon as long as it's within the boundaries of law. It's a lot to ask and obviously this place does not exist but one can dream.
4. What's your favourite body part? Don't say your penis. (I know you won't, but I am still stating that clearly)
But seriously, without a doubt; my brain. It should be everybody's favourite body part unless one is a plebeian.
5. Is there a social or political cause that you would be willing to give your life for?
That's a hard one. Obviously, if something is guaranteed to produce some sort of positive result, is able to withstand future trials and leads to the betterment of humanity as a whole, then yes, I would be a degenerate cock mongler to not do so.
But the question here is would such a thing even exist? There's a lot of worthy causes, yes but I'm a person that looks at a lot of things as an investment. It's a crude way to describe it but it is what it is. If I help a person, I can say honestly that I'm not doing that shit out of the inherent goodness I have in my heart. I want something in return and this can be in any form, as long as there's fair trade. If I lend a person some money, I don't mind being paid in food, as long as it balances the equation.
So, for me to give my life, it takes a lot of fucking convincing. Hard evidence that the bloody thing will work, and if it doesn't, at least it will lead to something that will. Unless I have that, sorry, I'll stay at home, brew a jug and watch porn while others die.
6. You have to pick one out of the three: Photography, writing or music. Picking one means you get to enjoy/create it for the rest of your life, giving up two of those means you never ever get to experience either one of them ever again. Which would you pick?
Is it not obvious? Writing. In a heartbeat.
It's a difficult decision, no kidding but there's just this... Magic when it comes to writing. Sometimes when I start to write and these ideas rush out, it's like banging a 15/10 while free falling from the stratosphere. There are better examples but I'm too sleep deprived to care.
The fact that I will not fail makes it all the more easier. The real reason why there isn't enough writers/photographers/musicians in the world is simply because it's one hell of a risky endeavour. More often than not, you end up broke and hungry. I know, it's a testament of faith to be able to go on despite the hardship but some of these aspiring writers have families and things that need money to take care of and believe me, not being able to write hurts the writer more than anything else.
I've gone way off topic.
7. You have written the greatest book of your life - it revolutionizes the world of writing, and everyone now knows who you are. What do you imagine this book would be about?
I honestly wanted to say that I created a whole new world not unlike Middle Earth or Westeros. Or maybe some insanely addictive semi-fiction about a guy who has nothing and ends up with everything, being brilliant as fuck. Or a philosophical tome that forces people to change their mindset for the better.
But I was walking home just now with this question in my head and I realised that no, none of that shit would actually be good enough. If I really manage to write a book so fantastic, it would definitely be about this:
How to live with yourself.
8. What was the single, happiest moment of your life?
We had a study group thing. There were four of us, two of my friends, her, and me. I was lazy and I didn't really want to be there. I was sleepy and the books seem to urge me to enter the realm of dreams and fantasies. We weren't even that intimate back then, the relationship was just beginning to bloom but right then, for some god forsaken reason, I placed my head on her lap and I closed my eyes.
She froze, I could feel her muscles tensing up. She obviously did not
expect it and the fact was that she wasn't comfortable with such a public
display of affection. I could sense it so I was about to move my head away when
she relaxed and ran her fingers through my hair. There was a thin smi-
Oh God I can't go on with that bullshit. That was purely a product of
fiction. Disregard that.
To be honest, I don't know. I thought about this for quite a long
time, trying to think of an occurrence but it's not coming to me. So I have two
i. I have never had moment where I was so filled with joy and
happiness. A life changing moment or whatever the fuck they're calling it these
days. This is actually very probable.
ii. Have you ever been in a situation where a person comes to you and
asks 'What's this word in another language?' and you fucking know it but
somehow, you're not able to make that connection? This is just like that.
I'm sorry. I can't answer this question.
But then again, perhaps my expectation of being at my happiest is far too grand. In that case, I might have something which was as awesome. (And it happened last Summer, so I have memory of it.)
I went out with my siblings and we were celebrating Bu Zafirah's birthday(?). I might have just made that up. Whatever it is, we bought cake and went to Asam Pedas to hang out. It sounds weird but that was such and awesome moment. We talked about a lot of things and realised that we were all very fucked in the head; we have so issues that we never learned to deal with and for some reason, it was fucking hilarious.
See, I always grew up feeling very alone and I somehow thought that I had nothing going for me. I wasn't the brightest (For sure), I don't really know how to attract people and fuck man, I'm not exactly the epitome of lust manifested and my heroin addict body wraps everything up in a very gruesome looking package.
But then we talked about all the shit and I realised that we were all quite fucking similar in so many ways. I don't think I'm qualified enough to talk about it on here. It felt immensely good. I think that's what happiness is, really. To have people look at your flawed and broken form and still have the heart to accept it.
9. you get to be best friends with one person for the rest of your life. the person could be dead, could be alive. no limitations. who is it?
I'm stuck with two people. Nicola Tesla or Jalaluddin Rumi.
Tesla could give me that unlimited source of science and logic and at the same time, I can watch him as he declines into mental instability. For some reason, that shit is appealing. Maybe because I want to actually see a guy be best buddies with a pigeon.
Rumi, well, it's pretty obvious that the guy has transcended humanity. Rather than be a friend, I'd prefer to be a student or an apprentice.
But then again, I'll probably give it all up just for the chance to befriend Tolkien and get him to send a manuscript of the Silmarillion to me.
Choices, choices...
10. You're going to be colour blind for the remainder of your life, except for one single colour. You can pick which colour this is, and everything else will be black and white. what colour do you pick?
Hm. That's one hell of a rare disease.
I don't know, man, colour has never been something major to me. My wardrobe is black and white for the most part, the occasional blue is probably because of the awesome print.
Fuck. I don't know. Brown, I guess. Brown because we're Asians and most of us have brown eyes, so I think it'd be dementedly awesome to have this beautiful goddess approach you and everything is in black and white except for her eyes. I hope that in that occasion, the brown would be piercing and heart wrenchingly pretty.
11. This is a philosophy thought experiment, figured you'd find it intriguing too. Before you're reborn, god gives you two options for the next life:
One, you can be a composer, an intellectual artist whose life goes through various ups and downs. You'll make your mark on history and end up composing great music, but you also experience terrible hardships in your life. The other option is to be an oyster. God describes being an oyster as feeling like you're slightly tipsy, floating in a bathtub of water, for all of eternity. You won't experience any pain, just the feeling of floating in water feeling a little drunk. God says that if you pick being an oyster, he will allow you to live that way for as long as you want.
So...which life do you pick?
Immortality as an oyster. That doesn't exactly cut it, does it.
If you had phrased the question as two human beings, I would probably pick the latter. Immortality as a normal person would suit me well, I'll read and study and learn and get my mind blown to bits when the all life fades and the Sun consumes the earth as it dies.
But, answering your question; I'll pick the life of the suffering artist. Suffering doesn't really matter if you have the chance to leave behind a fantastic legacy. Sure, saying all that as opposed to experiencing it doesn't really cut it but I'm pretty sure it beats being a fucking oyster.
Here's an oyster to make you realise what it'd be like. |
12. You can tame any animal to be your lifelong companion. What animal and why?
Bears. Motherfucking bears.
I don't even know why I need to explain it. Fucking bears, man. I'll ride it to class and use its body heat for warmth during winter. And nobody fucks with a person that has a fucking bear.
13. Your plane is going down in flames. You have 3 minutes to call someone before you die. Who do you call?
... My phone is off.
Chances are, I don't have credit, anyway. So at that time, I will hastily turn on my phone, realise I don't have credit, curse myself for not buying credit and then die with self loathe going strong in my heart.
If miraculously I can call someone... Fuck, call home probably. And I'm sure that nobody is going to answer. If I have a family by then, I'll call my wife (Who I hope is still alive) and tell her I love her very much. If I don't love her, I'll tell her that the reason she got eczema that one time was because I put itching powder in her underwear.
14. In true comic book style, you are granted superpowers suddenly. Are you going to be a hero or a villain? To be a hero, you succumb to the stereotypical rules of being a hero, you turn people in to the authorities, you don't kill, you sacrifice yourself to save others. To be a villain, you need to set out to destroy mankind/take over the world, killing/pillaging/ruining everything that is in your way.
Well, what the fuck is the problem then, be a villain, obviously. Not being able to kill my enemies is a huge fucking turn off. If I was a hero, believe you me, I would be successful as hell because all my enemies will be dead and hung outside of my super-awesome-mega-badass fortress of fire and doom and coffee. If I can't kill my enemies, what's the fucking use of superpowers?
Villain it is. Then I'll conquer the world or at least Malaysia and start rehabilitating the damned country. Then everybody will realise that I'm actually a patriot disguised as a villain. And they will love me.
They will worship me.
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Pictured above: The faggot who tried to fight me because he said it was his 'civic duty'. I used his blood to wash my car. |
15. You are given the chance to become the master of a single skill, any kind of skill in the world, with the snap of your fingers. What skill would you pick?
Firebending. Wait. Is that not a skill?
Well, it should be. Damn you, reality! |
Hm. The logical and smart person in me demands that I answer 'Computing' or whatever the fuck fiddling with technology is called.
But as usual, I'd rather not listen to that side. If there ever is a skill that I want to master so fucking badly, it'll be motherfucking blacksmithing. It's the manliest motherfucking cock juggling skill ever in the history of the god damned world jesus fucking christ on a meteor can you just fucking imagine how bloody fucking awesome it would be to fucking make a god damned sword or shield or fucking mace?!
16. Is there a particular culture other than your own that you wish you grew up being a part of?
As cliché as this might sound; I seriously would want to be a part of the whole Japanese culture. Not the whole anime weaboo part but more emphasis on the traditional part. For example; the motherfucking Koto. I just spent the last five hours listening to Kokohana which is a boner inducing Koto playing duo and fuck, man, that shit is balls deep awesome. Shintoism is pretty fucking rad too, from what I read, articles of clothing is fucking awesome, what's not to like?
Girls are a bit on the down side though. Ah well. Can't expect a fucking complete package now, can I.
17. Would you ever be a commercial photographer? Sell your soul and shoot photos for car ads, jewelry ads etc.
Surprisingly, I would. My first answer was 'Fuck no, stay true to the art' and things along that line but then I realised that it's not very fucking realistic now, is it? The fact of the matter is that it is possible to pursue the passion and not give in to being a corporate dog but then I honestly don't know what I'd do if I can't eat, don't have a home and be in debt.
On one hand, I'm pretty stubborn cunt so I might be able to pass that trial and brag all day about it. On the other hand, which is pretty strong; how long can I stay that way? A year? Ten?
So yes, I will definitely fucking accept being a commercial photographer. It's simple. By having that chance, I'll be presented with an opportunity to revamp the industry from within. If I don't, then it's fine; I'm still going to get paid and I can channel that money into my main ideas. I'll propose that shit and if it gets sufficient response, I can quit and go full blast.
The problem with people and arts is that they believe it to be extremely fragile and must be revered like an old debilitated God. But the truth cannot be further than that because art is such a flexible thing. People go through shit under the pretense art being their mistress when honestly, I think that they're afraid to go out and try something new.
18. Pick your three favorite words in the english language ever and then pick your three favorite words in the WORLD ever.
English: Indubitably, silence, and darkness.
The world... Um. Pilu, Tinuviel and sulcus.
If you observe closely, I'm just putting shit out there. How is it possible to have a favourite word(s). It's like asking me to choose what my favourite food is. I don't have one, god damn it, they're all amazing.
19. You have an extra ten bucks at the end of the day. What do you do with it?
That depends. If I'm out of fags, then I'll buy fags. If I'm hungry, then I'll buy some food. If I'm truly content, then I'll save the money.
No, I will not give it to charity.
20. What is the one food you'll never ever eat in your life?
Dog. But that's probably because they're so god damned awesome. I'll eat cats, I think, if it's cooked in an awesome mind-jizzing way. Seriously. Roasted honey cat sounds fucking awesome.
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Imagine this. Without fur. And roasted to utter perfection, skin so crisp and meat so tender it melts in your mouth. |
21. What is the one thing that's completely unacceptable for your kids to do?
To be uneducated. To not read and learn and thirst for knowledge. To put aside logic and facts in favour of gossip. If my kid doesn't reach out to a book by the time he/she turns eight, I will take it as a sign that I have failed miserably as a father. I shit thou not.
I'm okay with him/her being clothed like those SWAG YOLO cunts. I will be slightly offended and I will make fun of them every fucking day but as long as they're learned, I don't mind. They will hate me, though.
That's my one great fear of having kids; they'll grow out of their cute lovable selves (Because come on, my kids will be better looking than anybody elses, obviously.) and transform into ignorant dumbfucks.
22. Which character in all the stories you've ever written do you relate to the most and post a link to that story when you answer.
Damn. Well, to be honest with you, all the characters in my stories are the same people. Males tend to be what I perceive as myself (Only more awesome and more deranged) and females are
But alright, if I have to really make a decision... It's this one.
Fuck man, I re-read that piece. I now want a lonely goddess that tastes like honey and cinnamon and life as a girlfriend and I'd wife her so fucking hard, a universe will be born in our backyard.
23. Okay, what's the single biggest turn on for you in a girl? On the flip side, what's the single biggest turn off?
Turn on: This might sound dementedly weird man, but it's thighs. Ample in size, length and smoothness. I have no fucking idea why that shit is nothing short of magical to me but it is. But then again, turn ons are quite overrated, I think. Just because she doesn't fit the criteria, doesn't mean she can't make you go HNNNGGG.
Turn off: Skinny females. I like my females with a bit of meat on them.
Okay, I'm not saying she has to be morbidly obese to earn a thumbs up from me like some sick fucking game show. I just like females with some definition to their body, curves or whatever they're calling it these days. To be honest, I really don't care if people tell me that I objectify women but god damn it, the sight of ribs other than mine own is horrifying. I keep on thinking that I might just break her in two.
Aaaaannnddd that's far too much detail.
24. Who's your favorite pornstar?
Pornstar? What is that? This is certainly the first time I've ever heard of that term. Does it have something to do with herbs? A close cousin of Basil perhaps? No? Oregano, then? Hm.
Seriously, I have none. THey have names that are far too complex for me to remember. I can't even remember the names of my batchmates, you can't possibly expect me to remember some random woman being rammed from behind.
I generally like X-Art's stuff. It doesn't really matter who's in them. High def pornography is insanely awesome.
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