Friday, October 8, 2010

41 degrees

Why is it so bloody hot... Ah fuck, more migraine then.

Anyways, I actually gained 10 kilos since I arrived in awesome Malaysia and heck, it doesn't bother me. Finally for once I actually got pass the 60 kg barrier.

For the first time in my life - I'm not shitting you on this - I did not go back to Penang. It's a funny feeling really, as if I've just lost something.

I finally understood what people have been saying about times changing and shit. Zip! Before you fucking know it, you've aged two decades. 'These are the times that you have to man up and show to everybody you parents especially that you can take care of yourself. No more fucking around, being an adult and shouldering responsibilities is not, in fact, limited to your age. You can be 12 years old when you become an adult, it all depends on the situation. Your time is now.' Thanks Bu.

Also, for the first time, I find myself with way too much material to work with. There's 3000 pictures from Europe which needs editing and fuck, so far, I've only finished Rome. Okay, I lied, I'm not even done with Rome. Fuck. Damn you Michel Angelo and whatever artists that made those awesome art.

A few days later, there'll be a wedding, then a few days after, back to Egypt. Oh and a test a few days later later. Yeah, life's good.


'I'm not even kidding.' She stared at him with a glint of annoyance in her eyes.

'I know you're not, and why am I under fire here? I didn't even mock you.' All he wanted was suspense.

'Well, what's your answer then?'

'Who am I to deny you of your love? The only thing I could do right now is acknowledge the fact. Yeah, you love me, now I know that but hey, you can continue loving me and I will say nothing to stop you.' She looked at him, in confusion and a slight tinge of anger started to smear her canvas of emotion. He down the rest of his tea in one gulp, flicked his cigarette and stood up. As he walked away from her, he muttered.


1 comment:

diemarysues said...

Such suspense, Zuffie. When you baliking?