Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sleepless Nights 32 - Hands Up If You're Drifting Away.

You know these kinda situations. You start out as best of friends then 5-6 years into the future, you look at each other and you realise that: Fuck, you didn't know the bastard after all.

Google search for 'Fuck, you didn't know that bastard'
My point is that people are meant to drift away. It's like a self-preservation mechanism or something; I mean can you fucking imagine living with the same person for a few decades? Sleeping under the same roof, smoking the same joint, eating at the same table. Wait. That reminds me of something. Something vaguely familiar... Something...

Back to the main point. It sucks surely, not being as close as you were. Then again, if that person who you already grew to trust bla bla bla were to do something to fuck up your life, the damage would be so much more fucked up wouldn't it? Dammit, I've lost my train of thought.


I've had this thought in my mind for quite awhile now. Looking at our own body, in fact looking into it, it's actually plausible for us to be a cell in a much bigger organism. I mean who are we to say that our fucken RBCs or gametes or lymphocytes aren't in fact thinking that they're just another fully functioning organism? For all I know they could be sitting down, tanni gedegak-ing just like we occasionally do. Maybe they're looking up and seeing what passes as stars and shit and they themselves are thinking that 'Fuck, the universe is a fucken huge place...' when in fact, they're just cells in our bodies. And we might be the same. What if the Milky Way is just some goddamn tissue? If our own cells can be infected with a disease like fucking Plasmodia, then isn't that they're definition of being sick?


Is anybody else as obsessed with 'You Only Live Once' as I am? I mean fuck, how awesome can a song get?


Anila P. said...

That cell thing is muy freaky, Zuffie. As is that second picture. It looks like they're being pelted with cake.


Zufar Ismail Zeid said...

Huh... And here I thought that the Pandas overruled everything... Ah well...