I guess that's why they made medical text convoluted and extremely complicated. Imagine a patient reading that. Yeah, someone told me that Medicine is '... an extremely respected profession, as soon as you get a Dr. in front of your name, immediately the general public will realise that you have an edge...'
We don't need Freemasons or the Illuminati in the world... All people need to do is dig a little deeper into the medical profession and lo and behold...
Best example is from the Microbiology book. After going on and on about fucken rabies, they restored their reputation by saying this: 'In developed countries, canine rabies has been controlled, so human rabies develops from bites of wild animals (bats, foxes, raccoons and shrubs.)
Did you miss that?
Shrubs. Here's a picture in case you're still not getting it.
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Enough on med ey. It gets you sick. Anyways, what's with the resurgence of Family Guy nowadays? It's like everybody is watching it... What happened to The Simpsons?
I dislike Family Guy. It is in no way funny.
And I think they use big words on purpose. My dad says your vocab grows by about 20,000 words when you take Medicine. OoOoOoOo~
Hey, family guy has its random awesomeness. For example, if I have a child, I'd appreciate it if it was a carbon copy of Stewie. Well. Maybe with more awesome looks.
The reason your vocab grows is because doctors are anal retentive fucks with a superiority complex, hence the decision to rename everything in a fanciful manner. Hey look! There's a new definition; right there!
The image of your spawn scares me.
The image of my spawn is that amazing... I'm gonna be an awesome dad!
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