Monday, May 14, 2012

Sleepless Nights 67 - The Dead Child.

Well, this popped up in a Steampunk page on facebook:

In which I sadly agree. For once.

I have an acquaintance who said that I was childish (And I must point out that I honestly believe that she by far surpasses my ability to act like an infant but I digress.) and I, as usual, barraged her with an arsenal of insults. Then I thought of it and I realised, why exactly did I do that? Because I am sure that I am of course, childish and you better damn well believe that I am fine with it. Then I realised that over the years I've grown accustomed to insulting people regardless of their point, so I let that go with a slight chuckle.

Back to the point though, I guess being childish is really awesome in more ways than one. But then one have to consider than while there's so many perks, you just cannot hold on to that naivety that one has as a child. Everything will be okay, there's adults there to mop your shit up when you inevitably screw up, which crayon to pick to colour the damned dog (It's yellow. Duh)... All of that, when you're an adult and you still hold on to that... It's bound to punch you in the face, bind your limbs together and start to administer bamboo splinters into your rectum.

What I like when I have fun with people is when there is no age restrictions to what is done. I might say let's watch cartoons and everybody would say 'hell yeah' or I'd say let's break glass bottles on the street and watch cars get their tires punctured and laugh in glee and everybody would say 'fuck yeah'. I'm sure all kids did that at one point in their lives. Also, the above examples uses the term 'everybody' in a very... untrue way. There is no everybody.

However this doesn't mean that just because I can do all these kiddy stuff, I can't shrug it off and return to being an adult. I know that there's a time and place for everything and sometimes, work is just not where a child belongs. Except if maybe on works at a toy store... Which is where I think people get things mixed up.

I like childish behaviour, I encourage it but when say, I'm working on something with a colleague and that cuntnugget just can't stop being a fucking immature piece of fungus, shit is bound to get really violent.


I realised I haven't had a really good meal for a while now. You know, fine dining stuff, or maybe just a really fucking thick steak for dinner. Or breakfast.

Eargasm of the day to accompany this shitty fucking post.

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