Friday, February 12, 2010

Sleepless Nights 25 - Our Pride.

"Imagine our fucking pride... Thinking we're the centre of the universe... And that whatever created the universe looks out for us and only us... Then u c shit like them filaments (Galactic Filaments)...

Pride... Definitely my favourite sin..."


We go around telling people we know so fucking much. When put in comparison with what we know and what we don't, our knowledge is like Earth compared to the fucking Galactic Filaments. We're inferior to the point that our existence is in truth... a negligible error.

Look at the examples of how proud our kind is. We know more about the fucking moon and the celestial bodies when we can't even fucking solve the mystery behind the Bloop.

We tell about how the fucking human body functions when we don't even have a fucking definite answer about the vasodilating mechanism of the coronaries.

Pride. Pride. Pride.

Truth is, we avoid all possible complications and cover it all up by doing something that attracts attention. There's a weird unexplainable sound in the sea? Heck, give some lame ass excuse and tell the people bout life on Mars instead.

There's so many mysteries on earth that's so intriguing, so downright what the fuck material. And nobody nowadays wants to give a damn to even care. Can you fucking imagine the awesomeness if that sound turns out to be Cthulhu instead? I mean look at it. The coordinates of the sound is about the same place as Ryleh, how fucking coincidental is that? And yeah, i kinda am wishing that it's fucking Cthulhu.

I think that of all the things that we say (ZS: Like being superior. ZF: Being awesome.), truth is we're just dead cells of something far greater than us, innate byproducts of some passing entity. While we may come from something great, it doesn't mean we are...

Through all this, I realise that what I truly crave in this world is fucking knowledge. Fucking knowledge. I crave for it, no, lust for it. The very thought of knowing is just so... so... fulfilling... Not knowing is fucking poison coursing in my veins , gnawing at my insides...

Fucking hell. As soon as I have the means, I'm gonna go scuba fucking diving into the fucking ocean. After all, if I am to die, why not die in the hands of the Great Old Ones. That way, I'll prolly go to the afterlife and find Lovecraft and get to say 'Holy fuck, you were right bitch!'.

Whatever it is mateys, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

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