Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Those damned photographs...

I was on facebook (You fucken addict...) and saw this old friend of mine putting up photos of our last year in high school. Yeah, those days. Those fucken days.

In which I try reminiscing about but I can't think of one fucken memory.

I looked at all the photos and this sudden realisation dawned upon me.

I wasn't in any of them. Zero.

Yeah, okay, I might be a tad bit of an antisocial (A little. Yeah. Definitely.) but to evade the hundreds of shots is... Amazing... The probability of that happening just doesn't fit.

I mean, it was the school carnival. That in its essence should mean that I should've been there. It was the fucking last day of school. Obviously a sane fucker would be there.

I wasn't. I mean, yeah, there's a million reasons on how I could've been absent but seriously.

Where the fuck was I? Whoever went to school with me please fucking answer.

I thought I was pretty social. I mean at my level it meant, talk when talking is needed. I was never the corner-of-the-room freak. Heck, I think I'm a fucking attention seeker at that point.

Anyways, Community Medicine is being a fat bitch with a bad voice.

And to the owner of the blog 'The Velvet Chronicles': Who the fuck are you?

1 comment:

Anila P. said...

Well, you were at the table in front of me, if that helps. And also in the kampung, smoking XD