Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sleepless Nights 55 - The Human Race.

I had a talk with me friend past two days or so and we came to a point where we talk about society in general. I don't think it's big fucking news that I have a deep seeded hatred towards society and its everyday ethics but then she said that the human race, us, we're all essentially good and kind. It is under circumstances like money and greed and shite that makes us bad.

I told her I've never heard of worse bullshit.

The way I see it, the human race is pretty much divided into three equal categories. The good, the evil and the ones who dabble in a bit of both. There's no other classifications when it comes to it, race and religion does fuck all when viewed from afar.

The reason why I have come to hate society today is that it forces us to create a mask of superficiality in which we are told that it's for the best. We're told that we should hide who we are, wear clothes that everybody else wears, speak like everybody else, do what everybody else does and then in an ingenious plot, they labelled this act as politeness. Acceptance. Tolerance. Failure to do this makes you a bad person, failure to do this gives everybody else the green light to patronise you, to insult you and to look at you as a subhuman species. How does this relate to the division of the human race? Simple. It blurs the line.

You tell a good person and an evil person to act the way you tell them to, with guidelines and rules. Then you further impose this on the basis that failure to do as told will eventually result in their apprehension and troubles with the law. So now you have everybody acting the same way, wearing the same clothes, loving the same things and it's all spiffy. Then you get involved with a person, close the door from which society could no longer keep an eye on you and get surprised at the fact that this person that was the same with everybody else just a few minutes ago, is now a fucking demon.

I love watching the news because of that. The newscaster tells the story of a man who massacred his wife and children and suddenly everybody acts so surprised and they say 'What a crazy world we live in nowadays'. They fail to realise that tomorrow they're going to work or study with the same people that might be thinking of bombing their local fast food restaurant.

I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to become an archaeologist. As in a real one that goes around looking for fossils and shit. Then when I told everybody, they told me that there are no more archaeologists in the world any more because all the world's mysteries have been solved. I as a kid believed in that wholeheartedly and most probably a bit too easily. Then I grew up, not having an aspiration in life. My point is that it's all about stability nowadays. Parents, especially, go batshit insane when their kids say they want to do something that's not professional i.e. Medicine, Law, Architecture, shit like that. It's sane yes, but then again, there's some sort of tragedy there, maybe something that will never be appreciated. Maybe one day the kids of today would look at a life of hardship and wonder what that'd be like. Before getting into Medicine I went to some education fair or something to see the choices in arts. So I met this guy, and we talked at length and he seemed happy I wanted to do arts. Then he asked me for my SPM results, to which I replied and he looked at me as if I was a three year old retard. He said that with my results, I should go into some Science based course instead of Arts. He went on rambling etcetera and I realised that what the fuck happened to what I want, eh?

Hypocrisy. That's the biggest problem nowadays. No one is spared from it and at the same time, everybody hates it.


The romance novella is surprisingly coming along pretty well. I've nearly finished the first part of what I hope to be a trilogy, so yeah, I guess that's a good thing.

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