Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sleepless Nights 62 - One Does Not Simply Walk Into Mordor.

Well, apparently, one can be as passive as possible and make it into Mordor. With the ring.

OSCE is now fucking over with, thank the Lords of Kobol. I was pretty shit scared about the whole Anaesthesia-Jars-X-Ray-Operative shenanigan to the point that hearing people discuss about it while waiting for my turn to be examined got insanely annoying. So I did the next best thing. I went ahead and fucking went into the exam.

It was okay I think, mainly because I got an awesome doctor for the pathological specimen part. He fucking blasted me with a fuckload of questions though which I could answer, surprisingly. That is, until this part.

Dr.: Okay, now I'd like to ask you a question that you probably don't know the answer to.
Me: Right. Okay. Damn.
Dr.: So, cervical lympadenopathy. Causes?
Me: Lymphoma, Tuberculous lymphadenitis and secondary metastases.
Dr.: Good, now, metastases. Where do they come from in this case?
Me: Thyroid malignancies.
Dr.: Yes! Now, what cancer?
Dr.: DAMN! Dommage!
Me: What?
Dr.: Do you speak French?
Me: No.
Dr.: Right. Dommage means that just when you think you have it, it slips. Too bad.
Me: That... Sucks.
Dr.: Okay, you can go. Not bad, not bad at all, just like yesterday.

My face when I heard those words.
Still, I guess Anaesthesia was a little bitchy. Went inside nervous as fuck since it's the first one, and the doctor asked a simple fucking question i.e. What is propofol. My brain went dead for a while. All's not lost though, I still could answer her a bit. A bit. Fuck anaesthesia.

Then the X-Rays came and I was pretty confident about it. But the doctor in charge began to lecture me about the importance of male superiority in the community and I just felt like a cunt listening to him. I wanted to say something to contradict his views but meh, it was exams after all, so I shut up like a little bitch and looked at him like... Like...

It went okay I guess. Egypt being Egypt; it was fucking chaotic too. Imagine 250 students cramped in a hallway, all nervous and edgy. It's a wonder that a fight didn't break out. That would've been fun.

Now I have to study for the finals, lo and behold, a million more fucking pages. Gah.

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