Thursday, September 10, 2009

Retarded Mafuckers.

I'm under the impression that most of you have heard about the Indonesian hate Malaysian thing.

I've been through a fuckload of blogs, articles etc etc all of them pointing to this issue. Best of all, the M'sians say they're good and the Indonesians are bad, and the Indonesians do the same thing. Perfect situation innit?

There's a very big difference when it comes to defending your country. I emphasise on this because I know that there's a lot out there who is reading this going 'What the fuck? He's telling me that I shouldn't protect my country?!'

If you go around doing this:
  1. Telling everybody to fuck Indonesians.
  2. Giving everybody the impression that M'sians are really the one that is feeding them.
  3. Start burning fucking flags.
  4. Causing hatred towards Indonesian workers.
Then yes, stop defending the country. Instead, go mess with some fucken gangsters or some shit and make surre they kill you. Simple.

I'm not a fucking saint la seriously, but I do know where the line starts and ends. Hatred gives way to more hatred. That's it. I saw a million comments on millions of blogs saying 'Ah, you know what, fuck the indonesians, without us, they'd be nothing.' A-hem. I fucking beg your pardon? How sure are you that it is not the other way? I know a fuckload of people that'd be clueless if there are no Indonesian maids. Oh and the rule is, you must hire non-M'sians to be maids since they are much inferior. Fuck you. Fuck you to the world's fuckhole, you fuckffin.

We are human. Half of us are gonna be rotten, half of us are good. It's the fucking norm. You see, there's word that 300 over people are gonna fuck M'sians up in Jakarta. Do you know that Jakarta has a population of 8,792,000? When compared to the bigger picture, everything seems meagre, no?

Point is, you can't just label Indonesians as a whole as total fuckers. That's like labelling Malaysia as a fucking cesspit occupied by Malays only. You see? It's wrong. There are other races too in M'sia. (Laughs Hysterically)

To those who disagree, who thinks that we HAVE to fuck em up, we have to discriminate etc etc...

You guys are the fucking role model for retarded mafuckers.


Anila P. said...

If Indonesia decided to wage war on us, then we'd be fucked.

Zufar Ismail Zeid said...

Be Fucked we will! Nah, the self-declared superior race says that we can survive anything, anything they say! Just wait... Juuussstt wait... I think there are enough indonesians in M'sia itself to wage a war bad enough that we'd be the one who will be needing MERCY.