Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sleepless Nights 20 - Rain, Lightning, Thunder and Butterfingers.

Is it just me or does everybody feel like when it's raining fucking cats and hounds, with lightning illuminating everything in sight every bloody second, thunder shaking the very foundations of the house and Butterfingers playing full blast, everything seems so peaceful?

It's like, the rain empties out the world. The flashing lightning and crashing thunder tells you that 'It's not fucking safe outside. Stay inside.'. Then you put on the earphones, play some Butterfingers' songs and voila. Perfect.

I don't know, with coffee, this shit is so fucking surreal. I'm talking bout the old butterfingers here. The grungy waves of music kinda fits in. Feels like you just walk into a crowd, shout 'FUCK YOU, FUCKFFINS!!!' and no one will dare raise their voice. It feels like you are the one, no one will or can fuck with you and it will stay that way. Well, at least until the rain stops which is now. Damn.

What music does, I swear to God. I'd like to go try and get some lightning shots but yes, for once I do admit that I'm quite fearful of the consequences. I mean, what the fuck, my camera could get fucking fried! Imagine this: Lightning flashing like crazy, in the middle of the lawn; a camera on a 5 and a half foot metal tripod. Hmmm... Pretty darn safe ey?

So I stay indoors grumbling... Coffee... Wait, coffee. What the fuck, where's my coffee??

Off to make some then.

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