Saturday, July 23, 2011

You Fucking Insane Brain.

It's fucking weird, you know. I've been fucking trying to get less hours in my sleep but with better rest (If you don't fucking understand what I said, click this long ass bitchy link.) but most of the time, I get to the point where a day will pass with what, 2 hour power naps 4 times, then it's back to fucking 10 hours of sleep.

Then on days like this, my body will fucking think that hey, maybe today is a fucking good day to do that, let's just sleep for fucking 3 hours now. Sure, it's pretty nice and everything, I wake up refreshed and all that jizz. Unfortunate as it is, my body is a fucking idiot and it'll do this in the worst possible situations. Take today for example. I was up till 7 am just now, Skyping with a few old friends while trying to cram as much Parasitology as possible into the unwilling brain. After all that shit is done with, I thought yeah, an 8 hour sleep would be perfect, I'll wake up at 3 or 4 in the evening and then I won't sleep until tomorrow after the fucking exams. Apparently, that thought didn't set in me fucking gulliver, instead it thought 'Meh, you know what, fuck this shit, I'm gonna wake up and start functioning at motherfucking 12 pm, cause fuck long sleep.'.

What will fucking happen is that I'll feel fucking sleepy as a fucking doped up terminal patient by 10 pm, which will fuck up my cycle and if I don't sleep, my fucking tongue will feel fuck weird. Like it's too big for my already oversized mouth cavity.

Still, I can't complain about falling immediately into REM sleep, lucid dreams are never to be complained of. Doing so will result in gaining a cardinal sin, like getting a black star in fucking kindergarten.

Enough on that. I just realised how fucking weird it is to catch up with fucks that I haven't seen in three years and realise that none of us have really undergone a metamorphosis of the self (Change does not exist, remember?). It's like after all these years, we are still those fucks having no clue whatsoever to what we are doing, relying instead on the passage of time to reveal stuff to us... I actually expected something to surprise me; a new way of speech, physical appearance or just a new fucking way to laugh. It's somewhat comforting.

On a more depressing note, how is it even plausible for someone as fucked up as I to have such loyal friends? Like fuck, if I have to, I'd frig 'em over, and yet they still abide and prefer to not think of the day where I might actually do that... Hmmm...

Ah well.

Also, 10,000 views, I think this post is just a sad excuse to thank thee reader(s?) for being the silent non-commenting types. You know how much I love it when you do that.

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