Thursday, April 23, 2009

A line that is crossed.

Somebody sent this mail to my brother.

"From: "Hidup Pas[]"

wei zaim

ko la org yg ngaku Islam plg hina aku tau. blog ko tu cm blog kafir tau x? apsl ad gmbr arak? ko munum arak ke? atau ko sj nk tunjuk ko barat sgt? gi mampus la ko. memalukan org Islam je. pastu ko nk maki-maki org Islam sejati lak kn? ko fikr ko bgs sgt ke ah? ko tu serupa anjing tau x? menyalak je tau. cb ko muhasabah diri skit. tgk diri ko sblm ko nk "tegur" org. ko tu dh la pkai subang,merokok plak tu. mmg muka xde nur la org kata. pastu ko nk tgur org lak. ko bgs sgt ke hah? mak bapak ko x ajar ko ke? mngkin x kot.mngkin mak bpk ko pun minum arak n bajet baik kan? mesti ak btol. mak bpk ko mesti org umno yg bajet baik tp blakang mkn rasuah. pstu ajar ko buat benda berdosa. pirah. keluargo ko sumer sampah. adik ko pun sama. sedara ko ak xyah ckp la. x tudung, pakai baju ketat. pergh ak ckp ko, kuarga ko mesti msk neraka jahanam la. baik ko brubah. ak ckp ni utk kebaikan ko gk.”

This motherfucking piece of shit thinks it's okay to just mail something like this in hopes of helping us. Let me tell you something. You just fucking killed yourself. You just fucking crossed a fucking line that a sane person wouldn't have crossed. I'm not saying this because I'm a fucking killer that you should be afraid off. I'm saying this because I'm a human being. You do not fucking insult a person's family. If you are so self-righteous and feel the need to fucking help by fucking insulting, fucking insult us. Not our families. You think that you are doing this for the good of the Ummah, you are fucking wrong. What you are doing is inciting hate and that's it.

You said we are going to hell. Wow, I never knew you had powers to find out where a person is going when he dies. Do you know that now you are comparing yourself with Allah? Yeah, so much for your religious speech.

I pity the likes of you. Let me use a language that you would probably understand.

Kau ni la sebab orang lain pandang rendah kat orang Melayu.

1 comment:

merahanis said...

fuck. wth?

agree with that.
malay yang menjatuhkan martabat melayu sendiri.
bullshit lah this racism thingy.