Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sleepless Nights - One

I'm gonna do this everytime i can't sleep which, coincidentally, happens a lot nowadays... No, i do not know why, it could be the mounting stress, it could be i'm a Jedi (O.o)... Anyway...

Yes, as i was saying, this happens a lot so there'll be a whole lot more posts like this (The author's alter ego laughs his head off)... Hmmm.. A lot has happened... Let's start with:

  1. I moved back into my old house. Go figure...
  2. I passed my fucking exams!!!!!!!!
In relation to that, no, i'm not saying i passes all of them with bloody flying rainbow colours... I just passed them... Okay, fine, no As, 2 Cs and the others are Bs... Happy? Assholes...
Under normal circumstances that would make anybody pretty unhappy. Yes, that includes me... However, the circumstances are abnormal.. Lemme explain by the figure/chart/flow-chart?/thing below.

-pass - Able to return to M'sia for Summer - M'sian luxuries! And meeting a someone.
-fail - Repeat paper, lose a shitload of money, miss the chance to go back and make a certain someone very, very unhappy...

Okay, the diagram is fucking ugly, i admit... What do you expect, bloody textbook stuff? Get over it. Anyway, yes, i believe anyone would understand this (as ugly as it is). If you don't, please, torture yourself no more, theres a whole lot of other blogs you can read...

Okay, shit... How does this bullet and numbering stuff work anyway... Hmmmmm...

3. I coughed up some phelgm+blood this morning... I know...
4. I am currently reading Dante's Divine Comedy... Which is hard... Very hard...

That reminds me, how long has it been since i held a paperback book in my hands? A month? I missed that feeling... You know, paper on hand, the smell... Priceles... I mean i have no beef against E-books but it's just not the same... For example, I'm not the kind that could go around lugging my laptop with me... While with a book, i could take it anywhere i want, anytime and any... you get the point. I used to go to the toilet reading a novel... Those days are gone now...


Yes, this pisses me off. Really. I joined a certain website so that i could get at least a small nuber of feedback to improve on my writing. At first it seemed promising since everybody was a writer. I posted a short story and a poem. And waited... And waited... And waited somemore... No comments whatsoever... Okay, i told myself... Maybe it's because i'm new... So i decided to leave it for a few days and check back later. What i saw brought out the worst in me. There was this post above mine which had a shitload of comments! I was intrigues, how good was this guy. So i opened it, and stared in disbelieve.

What was in there you ask... I am trying my best not to demolish my keyboard as i write this... Anyway, turns out it was some love letter the user wrote to another user... A love letter... A fucking love letter... A fucking love letter that had nothing worth noting in it... Oh, and did i mention the writer have never met, smiled or talked to the other user in real life? I admit that maybe i am a bit biased here. However, i read that piece and I wasn't impressed... Basically it was easier if the author wrote: I love you. Sigh... I'll stop here...

Thank you for reading....

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