Sunday, April 26, 2009

What I want is a bigger 'Kuali' but all I needed to do was flip the egg.

Yeah weird title. But its true.

I was hungry. I went to cook, well, if you can call frying an omelete cooking then yes, i cooked. Broke the eggs, cut up the onions, added the cheese and heated up the oil. When it was hot enough, i poured in the would be omelete. That's when i realised something. See, the bottow part of the omelete was already brown, yet above it was still ummm... eggy. Yeah, eggy. So I called up the helpline in my brain and consulted with Z.Sinner and Z.Forgiver.

Me: The egg's frying weird.
Z.S.: The fuck you talking bout... The egg's frying fine
Z.F.: What do you mean man? Is this some kind off metaphor that nobody gets huh? 'The egg's frying weird?
Me: No, i literally mean the fucking egg is fucking frying weird. See, *Lifts egg slightly* bottom part brown as latino chic while its fucking slimy on top.
Z.S.: Dude... You need fucking sleep.
Z.F.: Ummm... It's a metaphor isn't it...
Me: I got it! I need a bigger kuali!
Z.F.: Whatever...
Z.S.: ...
Me: No, dude, don't you get it, if i have a bigger kuali, then the frying would be equal everywhere... As in Latino all around.
Z.F.: I'm gonna tell you a huge secret now.
Me: Which is?
Z.S. and Z.F.: Flip the egg mate.

Flip the egg. I laughed at the statement, not because of the humour/sarcasm but because i just realised how cooking the omelete really reflects on life itself. Everybody wants something more in life; more money, a better looking wife, less kids, more money... Yet, we are so consumed by these things that we don't see that the solution is so simple... We are blinded by our greed and our laziness. We just couldn't see that it's as easy as flipping the egg.

It is our nature to seek for improvement. If it's not yours, hell, you don't belong here mate. We are constantly improvising every aspect of our life. However some of us get too obsessed with it that we fail to make any improvement. So we lament and bemoan our bad luck.

I'm not saying that I'm not one of these people. Hell, I'm beyond fucked up. Sometimes I fail to see what i can actually do with a small kuali. I fail to see that I can flip the egg. Besides, there are things that i must sacrifice if i want a bigger kuali. For example, space. It'd be hell to multi-cook then.

So, I'm gonna flip the egg. What do you plan to do?


Simple. said...

Hey zufar
even tgh masak pun leh fikir
gud22 u r the man with loads of thinkin actually...

btw, aku tagged ko.
x keje!! huhu


Zufar Ismail Zeid said...

Hahaha trimas trimas XD Tag aku? Untuk ape doh

merahanis said...

how such a small stud in life could teach u a lesson of life.
enuff said..