Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sleepless Nights 2

Crap... I can't sleep... Again...

I'm looking towards alternatives like bloody sleeping pills or hypnosis though i doubt the latter would do any good.

Anyways, as promised, I will ramble on bout today. If you have any objections bout me being a blog-man-whore i.e. posting twice today, here's what i think. *Middle finger stretched out in all it's glory*

What was interesting today? Maybe it was the freaky occurence where everytime i look at the time, the numbers repeat itself. Examples: 18:18, 23:23. Coincidence or just oure unadulterated luck. Meh, it came and went.

Pops messaged me today, since we are Arsenal fans (Ngehehehe...) He was like 'Wah so fired up ah? Chill la...' Papa using those words. God I love my dad. I'm still waiting for his reply bout the 4-4 draw. Prolly he's gonna say things like 'Dang nigga, we almost won...' Okay, no, that was too much. That would be way too over, even for my dad (XD)

What else... Oh, oh, Pharmacology exams went okay. By okay i mean, The-questions-did-not-come-out-and-stab-me or The-questions-did-not-haunt-me. So yes, it went pretty okay. Kudos to Zap for the help on questions 1,2,3,4 and 16. What, a man has his rights to copy.

I am intrigued by Aleister Crowley. Fucker is my bloody idol nowadays... The way he lived his life can be symmed up very simply. "Be as weird as possible." I'm not kidding, this dude's weirdness goes beyond human level. Yet, that's the exact same reason why I'm in lov- no, i mean admire him. *Ahem*

I am seriously cutting down on my smoking... A box an now last for 3 days. That s a huge, gigantic, titanic leap for me. It's like jumping from KOMTAR to KLCC. Yes, metaphorically speaking. Why you ask? I have no idea. Prolly cause i need to. Meh, I'll most likely go back heavy once I'm back in M'sia. You know, with Dunhills everywhere. Temptations that i for one, will not be able to resist.

Dengan ini, saya menghentikan aksi mem-boycott Cure/Kedai Naser/Kedai Lipas/ Kedai dekat rumah yang selalu dapat makan free memalam. I can't take the evading and buat bodoh-ing Muhammad's and Naser's plea for me to eat at their shop. It's ridiculous. If I find a cockroach in my food then... I'll prolly go berserk and ask for bloody free 'firah (firakh?) mashwi (mashwee?)'s. Or I'll just undergo a total brain shutdown.

I believe thats what my sleep/oxygen dperived brain can think of. Till the next time I can't sleep, ciow.

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