Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The twisted sanctuary.

It is the most powerful thing in the world. It influences everything that a person does, be it good or bad. It is pure, yet it could be twisted. It is, without a doubt, the human mind.

See, I just came back from watching 'Coming Soon' at the Kampung. While we were together in a room, pfffttt that movie was like watching a cartoon made by person with very bad taste. As soon as I left for my house (a few steps away), I felt an extreme sense of fear. The few steps felt like a mile, in front of my door i fumbled to insert the key into the keyhole. I panicked. The darkness in my house added to the effect and then I switched on the light.

And instantly, the fear fled.


Simple. It's the mentality. We were brought up, at least i was, with tales of ghosts and spectres that lingered in the dark. Therefore, we immediately have this mindset of the dark being a very dangerous place. We bring the fears of our childhood throughout our life and whenever we are surrounded by darkness, we panic. Light becomes our saviour as it always has.

I don't know about you but have ever heard whispers when you are in a state of fear especially in the dark? I have and it scares the shietz out of me, every single time. It may be of supernatural origins but sometimes, it is just the power of the mind. My favourite example of the raw power of the mind is this:

A group of scientist gathered to study the power of the mind. They got this group of people and blindfolded them. The scientist told them that they were going to be injured to test their pain receptors. The scientist then rolled a piece of paper to resemble a cigarette and told the subjects that they were going to be burnt by a cigarette bud. Each one of them felt the pain from being poked by a paper. One of them had a burn mark on the area where she was poked.

How awesome is that? You might think it's crazy but it's true. I think people who watch House would approve. There's one episode that shows a variation of this. Still, the mind holds the greatest power.

Oh and the movie was pretty cool I guess, the chic was LE BOMB! Shit she was hot... Sigh...

Anyways, Dr. Sabry did not come as expected and I officially give up. Fuck him. Seriously. He tells me he's busy. Har-Har, has it occured to you that I'm a Medical Student? Maybe not. Still, I'm willing to sacrifice my time and meet you, what excuse do you have for not doing the same?

-Nepal's PM resigned which caused protests all over Nepal.
-Taliban and the Pakistan Government have agreed on a ceasefire. Still, the civilians are the ones that are really suffering.
-The US Army in Afghanistan caught red-handed trying to spread christianity which violates the code of conduct.

Courtesy of Al-Jazeera.

What else? Hmmm... Oh yeah, the funniest piece of news I've heard in a long time. Somalian pirates tried to attack a commercial ship. Or so they thought. Turns out, it was a French warship. 11 of em got caught. Tough luck mateys..


Farha Ghouse said...

Indeed. It's all in your mind. I watched My Bloody Valentines and I even get goose bumps whenever I think about it.

My friends told me that Coming Soon movie was the shit. Really, really, really unnerving.

Speaking of the mind, check this out

Zufar Ismail Zeid said...

Meh, watched comng soon, it's not all that... My bloody valentines... I previewed it but i guess goriness doesn't do much to me... hehe...

Zufar Ismail Zeid said...

Hahahahaha the link is awesome!!!!!!!!!