Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Who's Right?

In the spirit of supporting the Palestine war, I can't help but think.

Who's right?

Truly, in all honesty, who is? Is it the Palestinians; the ones who have been chased violently out of their homes or does the Israelis have a really good reason for doing whatever the hell they are doing?

I don't know. However, if you have not noticed, I said Israelis, not Jews. If you blame the Jews, then you are one fucked up motherfucker. I can say there are loads of fucked motherfuckers surrounding me where I am now.

Let's look at it this way. Currently, everybody is blaming Jews for what's happening, boycotting their products and insulting them.
  1. Why do you blame the Jews? Are you sure that they are the one thats behind all that is happening? Even so, how can you blame a whole population for the sins of a few fuckers. This is exactly the same as labelling all Muslims as terrorist because there are a few extremists running around. You defend yourselves from this statement by saying the extremists are not muslim beause of their sins bla, bla, bla. Has it occured to you that the Jews use the same reason. No, it doesn't and you hypocrites make me fucking sick.
  2. There was an incident where a company run by Jews decided to support Israel in the war. I have no idea why this enraged so many. They support their own religion and sees nothing wrong with it. Put yourselves in their shoes. You would do the same. You will support your religion's cause in every way you can. So I ask you again, why are you angry?
  3. The Jews in Israel don't want this to happen any more than we do. They hold protests, they are rooting for peace between the nations. Most people are so ignorant that they refuse to believe such a thing and label Jews as evil, tyrants even the servant of the Devil himself. What the fuck? How is it rational that one should judge another by the religion he or she follows? If one needs to judge, he/she needs to look past the outer superficial layer and analyse the heart of the person. Not the religion, not the race, not the speech. Many fail to do so.
I am not going to support any side if supporting means looking at the other side with total disgust and treating them like trash. I support humanity, I support the ones that needs supporting; Jews or Muslims, it doesn't make a difference to me. Hate me for that if you want, I really could care less.


Simple. said...

so r u gonna post it
in alexmedteam...

actually benda nih
tak boleh nak fikir
directly lah kan.
kiter kena amik semua
factor dan tak bolehlah nak meletakkan agama sebagai
sebagai topeng for do something.even islam pun
nak kita fikir seelok-eloknya.

Zufar Ismail Zeid said...

Right on mate. Nah aku takkan post mane2, not many can accept things like this. Ye la, problem is, when people don't use their brain to think, things end up fucked up. Basically I understand that anger clouds one's mind but if you use that excuse one too many times, it becomes subjected to criticism. Meh.